I danced at Paint-Champr.
Cola Bora, the first time I've recruited you, was very immature, but thank you all for your hard work and trusting.
Thanks to you, we've got a really cool video!
Thank you so much for allowing us to use the choreography.
Thank you for editing the video. Thank you for uploading Nicodong.
Video Editing: Hello! I'm Choco, the editor of the video.^♡^
I'm so happy to bring together a video of such beautiful and wonderful people and complete it!!
I'm not good enough, but I did my best, so please enjoy it. 싶어요- 감사 I want to thank all of you for preparing this collaboration.
Thank you!!
Sound Source:sm27404771
Odorite people (in order of appearance)
Limi @limi_with_song / This ram @killxLl / KANEZ@clapa0216 / cabbage mushrooms @ki_noko / karus @upload_karus /
Danshee @danchi0061 / Instrument @kikiki_gigi / Maham @dong3079 / Soran @Neko_over_short / Rice cake @mochi_niya /
@EN_JH_SVT / Yul @magooo0123
See Original

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